پريس پڌرائي (13 سَيپٽمبر 2023)
اڄُ جڏھن آزاد سماجن جون عورتون پنھنجي مُلڪ ۽ سماج ۾ تبديليءَ ۽ ترقيءَ جون ضامن ثابت ٿي رھيون آھن، آزاد سماج ۾ اُنھن عورتن کي پنھنجي صلاحيتن ۽ قابليتن کي اظھارڻ جي ڀرپور آزادي حاصل آھي، تنھنڪري ئي انھن سماجن جي ترقيءَ ۽ خوشحالي ممڪن بڻجي سگھي آھي، ان جي ابتڙ سنڌي سماج جي عورت کي مرداڻي سماج ھجڻ ڪري غلام رکيو ويو آھي، جتي انھن جي صلاحيتن ۽ قابليتن کي اظھارڻ جي ڪا بہ آزادي حاصل ڪانھي.
اھڙي مرداڻي سماج مان جڏھن ڪا نياڻي يونيورسٽين جھڙن تعليمي ادارن ۾ پھچي ٿي تہ تڏھن بہ ساڻس اھا روايتي رَويي کي منهن ڏيندي آهي، تعليمي ادارن ۾ اُنھن شاگردياڻين کي ھر وقت ھيسايو ۽ پريشان ڪيو وڃي ٿو؛ جنھن ڪري اھي شاگردياڻيون آزاديءَ سان پنھنجي تعليم حاصل ڪرڻ کان قاصر بڻيل آهن، تعليمي ادارن ۾ اُنھن شاگردياڻين کي پروفيسرن، يونيورسٽي جي ملازمن ۽ ڪِن شاگرد گروھن جي صورت ۾ انھن کي حراسان ڪيو وڃي ٿو.
اھڙي طرح اسين سمجھون ٿا تہ جيستائين سنڌ جي شاگردياڻي تعليمي ادارن ۾ Secure نہ ھوندي ۽ آزاديءَ سان تعليم حاصل نہ ڪندي تيسين سنڌي سماج جي ترقي ناممڪن آھي؛ سنڌي سماج جي ترقي سنڌ جي عورت خاصڪر تعليمي ادارن ۾ پڙھندڙ شاگردياڻين سان مشروط آھي، سنڌي سماج کي اپاهج ٿيڻ کان بچائڻو آھي تہ تعليمي ادارن ۾ شاگردياڻين کي آزاديءَ سان تعليم حاصل ڪرڻ ڏنو وڃي، ۽ حراسمينٽ جھڙي بيهوده عمل کي ختم ڪيو وڃي.
اڄ انھيءَ غير اخلاقي ۽ غليظ عمل(Harassment) جي خلاف جيئي سنڌ اسٽوڊنٽس فيڊريشن شھيد بينظير ڀٽو يونيورسٽي نوابشاهه طرفان اينٽي حراسمينٽ ريلي ڪڍي وئي، جنھن ۾ مختلف سياسي تنظيمن ۽ شاگردن ۽ شاگردياڻين کي وڏي انگ ۾ شرڪت ڪئي.
جيئي سنڌ اسٽوڊنٽس فيڊريشن ضلعو شھيد بينظير ڀٽو يونيورسٽي نوابشاھ
Press Release
Today when in the civilized & free world, women are seen playing an integral part in the shaping and development of their societies in order to bring about a positive impact. This is merely possible when the women are allowed to bring out their potential and freely express their skills and abilities, that is only when that particular nation starts to develop and mature in every field of life. At the same time, our society is engulfed in patriarchal norms & traditions which has severely limited the participation of women in different skill sets and has even deprived them of their very basic freedom which they depend on the men in their society to give.
In this patriarchal society when somehow women do manage to get into higher educational institutions after a rage of war, they are faced with even more complex issues. They are faced with sexual harassments & similar issues that torment them greatly, and disrupt them from studying freely and become more professional in their respective fields. Women are harassed even in the educational institutions of our society by professors, institutional employees as well as from their male colleagues who sometimes misuse their position.
Seeing all this we feel that till the time the daughters of Sindh do not feel secure in their educational institutions and are able to get quality education, and freely express them selves and grow their skill sets till then the collective development of the Sindhi Nation is not possible at all. The development of Sindh is deeply rooted with the growth & development of it’s women, especially the daughters of Sindh who are enrolled in campuses. In order to grow our selves as a nation in front of the whole world, it is imperative that we provide an open and free atmosphere in our educational institutions especially where the daughters of our nation can roam and think freely without having to fear any sort of harassment.
Today Jeay Sindh Students’ Federation – Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Nawabshah (JSSF) has on the above mentioned issue carried out a pedestal march in university premises against Harassment Issues, in which students of different student organizations, neutral and most importantly female students participated in great length.
Jeay Sindh Students’ Federation – Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Nawabshah (JSSF)