Press Release (20/12/2023)

Today a protest was held at Karachi Press Club where students from various colleges & universities gathered to protest against the introduction of K.S.P Policy in various universities of Karachi namely Karachi University.

JSSF Divisional Chief Organizer (D.C.O) Mansoor Mallah spoke at the protest saying that this policy is based purely on racial discrimination against Sindhi students depriving them of admissions in their own homeland. Amidst the lack of colleges & universities in Sindh rural areas, thousands of Sindhi students seek educational opportunities by coming to the capital of our homeland Sindh, Karachi; And with the introduction of such policies not only will thousands of students suffer but a national division will be created between both our Sindhi & Urdu-Speaking Sindhi’s which is untolerrable at any cost.

FurtherJSSF D.C.O Karachi demanded an immediate action by the university administration to revoke it’s decision and provide equal opportunities to all students of Sindh by providing an open merit system. Otherwise a Sindh wide protest shall be observed.

Jeay Sindh Students’ Federation – Karachi (South)